sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007

Back to action - Antonio "Pezão" Silva

Só para avisar, de agora em diante estarei postando algumas das entrevistas também em inglês! A versão em português está no post abaixo.

Hi, first of all let me introduce myself to you. I'm a Brazilian, so I apologize for any mistakes I make in english.

I worked for Brazil's biggest MMA website, Portal do Vale Tudo, and since a few months ago I use this blog where I post interview from athletes and MMA related news.

Today I've decided to start translating some interviews to english, and I'm starting with Antonio Junior Silva's interview that I made two days ago.

Just so you know, in Brazil his nickname is Pezão, that means Bigfoot. So when you see it in the interview, remember it because I didn't change his nickname to the one known among the world.

So, enjoy:

Blogdomatheus.com: Recently you went through a surgery, to solve the problem that was responsible for you not fighting in HERO’S USA. Talk about the surgery and how you are now.

Pezão: The surgery I went trough was for the retrieve of a benign tumor that was located in the hypophysis that was causing a big increase of the gh hormony, so because it was a tumor, even knowing that it was benign the Commission thought it was the right decision for me not to fight in that event. But today after have went trough an amazing surgery and a fast recovering that made me stop training for 2 months, I have been dedicating myself a lot and I want to be back in great style and with a beautiful victory at november 10th.

Blogdomatheus.com: How are the trainings with the ATT group?

Pezão: Look, here we live to train, we are a fight quarter that have as masters Liborio, Benkei, Conan and Ouali, who knows that perfection does not exists, but try to come as close as possible from it. We have daily trainings in the morning and at night, split in jiu jitsu, boxe, wrestling, muay thai and phisical training.

Blogdomatheus.com: Talking about the trainings, who was the person that made your life more difficult in training?

Pezão: Look, I already trained with big names and each one has his difficulties. Minotauro and Rafael Fejão on the ground, Edson Draggo and Wilson Gouveia in boxe and Mario Rinaldi in wrestling.

Blogdomatheus.com: Right now you train and live in the US? How have been your adaptation?

Pezão: Great, because here in Florida the weather is much like in Brazil, and also for being together with a lot of brazilians from ATT, so the adaptation became pretty easy. Besides, my family is liking a lot and my 8 years old daughter is very happy for being able to speak some words in English.

Blogdomatheus.com: Why did you choose EliteXC? How much fights will you have to do?

Pezão: Look, today the smaller orgs are paying even better than the big ones, so from 3 propositions that I had, the one that I liked the most was EliteXC’s, that’s why I closed a 3 fight deal and now that I have 265 pounds that is the ideal to fight at heavyweight my manager was contacted for other orgs that are wanting to have me, so we will wait the end of the contract and study what is the best thing to do.

Blogdomatheus.com: Which orgs are trying to contract you?

Pezão: For the matter of respecting EliteXC, I can’t say any name, but I can say that are 2 big orgs in the MMA world.

Blogdomatheus.com: You will fight in november 10th at EliteXC against Jonathan Wiezorek, who has a record of 11 wins and 1 loss. What do you know about him?

Pezão: What I know about him is that he is a fighter that tries to and his fights fast, always trying to take the fight to the mat, because he is good at submissions, but I’m training very well and with a very good strategy planned from my striking coach Ouali and I will surprise him in case he comes desperately trying to take me down. I’m very good physically, that’s why I don’t have to worry about him and he has to worry about me, because there are 8 months that I don’t fight and I will enter the octagon searching for victory.

Blogdomatheus.com: Your only loss came in a very controversial bout against Eric Pele. A lot of people thinks the referee should have interrupted the fight in a moment that you were punishing your opponent, and besides this mistake, he stopped the fight a little too early to give Pele the win. How it is to live with a defeat in this way? Would you like a rematch?

Pezão: Who knows MMA knows that that fight had a huge influence from the referee, I don’t know what did he think to stop the fight in that time. I was very good, only waiting the moment Eric would slow down his punches, because I knew he was getting very tired, but unfortunely before it happened the referee decided to call the fight. Unfortunely there are people like that in MMA, did you ever think what would happen if that referee was the one in the fights Minotauro x Bob Sapp and Minotauro x Heath Herring? “Minota” would definitely have two more losses in his record. I left the fight without a single scratch, how my friend Minotauro says “we have alligator skin”.

Blogdomatheus.com: In which weight are you going to fight at EliteXC, heavyweight or super-heavyweight?

Pezão: Right now I’m going to fight as a heavyweight, but if they find some super-heavyweight and want me to fight I will, no problem.

Blogdomatheus.com: A lot of people thinks that you should fight as a heavyweight, because there is where the challenges are, and in the super-heavyweights there aren’t really known fighters. How do you see that?

Pezão: I think so too, that’s why I cut some weight, I don’t want to be just another guy, and for this I need to start fighting some big names.

Blogdomatheus.com: Which fighters would you like EliteXC to sign so that you could fight the future?

Pezão: Look, if EliteXC hired the fighters I would like to fight next year they would have to change their name or buy another org. But it would be cool to have Brandon Vera, Andrei Arlovski, Randy Coutute, Cro Cop, Napão, Alexander Emelianenko, Josh Barnett and Fedor as opponents. This would be a big team of great fighters good to face in the next days that will come. Independent of names, I want to train and be well to always fight calm and search the victory.

Blogdomatheus.com: Recently Fedor Emelianenko was signed by M-1 Global and there are a lot of rumors about who is going to fight him in his debut. Would you sign with M-1 for this fight?

Pezão: Sure, Fedor is an athlete very respected from everyone for being a complete athlete, humble and cold and for have won against big names in MMA, but there isn’t no one invincible and his day will come, be it with me or somebody else and the world impossible doesn’t exist at ATT, there is the words work, train, humility and everything is possible.

Blogdomatheus.com: What would be the strategy in a fight against Fedor?

Pezão: Be very well physically, and not let any opportunity to end the fight go away like some people have did in the past.

Blogdomatheus.com: Thank you a lot for this interview and good luck in your next fight. Leave a message for those who are reading.

Pezão: I wanna leave a big hug to everyone that likes me as a person and as a professional and I hope to get better everyday so I can offer always great victories to our Brazil. I would like to also give thanks to my family, my team ATT, my training partners and always to GOD who gives me wisdom and strength to face my days with a lot of energy.

Also visit my official website www.antoniosilvapezao.com

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